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DE Mobilitás Kereső / UD Mobility Finder
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Debreceni Egyetem
-- Faculty of Law
-- Faculty of Medicine
-- Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FAH)
--- FAH English and Amrican Institute
--- FAH Institute of Philosophy
--- FAH Department of French Studies
--- FAH Department of German Studies
--- FAH Department od Dutch Studies
--- FAH Dept. Of Communications and Media Studies
--- FAH Department of Hungarian Lingusitics
--- FAH Dept. Of Finno-Ugric Studies
--- Department of Ethnography
--- FAH Institute of Education
--- FAH Department of Italian Studies
--- FAH Departmnt of Political Science
--- FAH Department of Psychology
--- FAH Department of Slavic Studies
--- FAH Department of Sociology
--- FAH Institute of History
-- Faculty of Health Sciences
-- Faculty of Health Sciences (Nyíregyháza Campus)
-- Faculty of Dentistry
-- Faculty of Economics and Business
-- Faculty of Education for Children and Special Educational Needs
-- Faculty of Pharmacy
-- Faculty of Informatics
-- Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management
-- Faculty of Engineering
-- Faculty of Science and Technology (FST)
--- FST Department of Biology
--- FST Institute of Biotechnology
--- FST Department of Physics
--- FST Institute of Earth Sciences
--- FST Department of Chemistry
--- FST Department of Mathematics
-- Faculty of Music
Bilateral Agreement
Erasmus+ International Mobility
Erasmus+ SMS
Erasmus+ SMT
Erasmus+ STA
Erasmus+ STT
Pannónia SMS
Doctorate / PhD
Multiple cycles
Postgraduate / Master
Undergraduate / Bachelor
Képzési szint
00 - Generic programmes and qualifications
01 - Education
02 - Arts and humanities
03 - Social sciences, journalism and information
04 - Business, administration and law
05 - Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics
06 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
07 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction
08 - Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary
011 - Education
021 - Arts
022 - Humanities (except languages)
023 - Languages
0031 - Personal skills and development
031 - Social and behavioural sciences
032 - Journalism and information
041 - Business and administration
042 - Law
051 - Biological and related sciences
052 - Environment
053 - Physical sciences
054 - Mathematics and statistics
061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
071 - Engineering and engineering trades
072 - Manufacturing and processing
073 - Architecture and construction
081 - Agriculture
091 - Health
092 - Welfare
0110 - Education, not further defined
0111 - Education science
0112 - Training for pre - school teachers
0113 - Teacher training without subject specialization
0114 - Teacher training with subject specialization
0200 - Arts and humanities not further defined
0210 - Arts, not further defined
0211 - Audio - visual techniques and media production
0215 - Music and performing arts
0220 - Humanities (except languages), not further defined
0222 - History and archaeology
0223 - Philosophy and ethics
0230 - Languages, not further defined
0231 - Language acquisition
0232 - Literature and linguistics
0239 - Languages, not elsewhere classified
0311 - Economics
0312 - Political sciences and civics
0313 - Psychology
0314 - Sociology and cultural studies
0322 - Library, information and archival studies
0400 - Business, administration and law not further defined
0410 - Business and administration, not further defined
0411 - Accounting and taxation
0412 - Finance, banking and insurance
0413 - Management and administration
0414 - Marketing and advertising
0419 - Business and Administration, not elsewhere classified
0421 - Law
0510 - Biological and related sciences, not further defined
0511 - Biology
0512 - Biochemistry
0521 - Environmental sciences
0522 - Natural environments and wildlife
0531 - Chemistry
0532 - Earth sciences
0533 - Physics
0541 - Mathematics
0542 - Statistics
0610 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), not further defined
0611 - Computer use
0612 - Database and network design and administration
0710 - Engineering and engineering trades, not further defined
0711 - Chemical engineering and processes
0712 - Environmental protection technology
0713 - Electricity and energy
0714 - Electronics and automation
0715 - Mechanics and metal trades
0721 - Food processing
0731 - Architecture and town planning
0732 - Building and civil engineering
0810 - Agriculture not further defined
0811 - Crop and livestock production
0812 - Horticulture
0821 - Forestry
0831 - Fisheries
0841 - Veterinary
0910 - Health, not further defined
0911 - Dental studies
0912 - Medicine
0913 - Nursing and midwifery
0914 - Medical diagnostic and treatment technology
0915 - Therapy and rehabilitation
0916 - Pharmacy
0922 - Child care and youth services
0923 - Social work and counselling
1013 - Hotel, restaurants and catering
1014 - Sports
1015 - Travel, tourism and leisure